
This self-paced course is designed to let you move through the content at your own pace. Each of the three main sections, NOURISH, EXPLORE & NEST contains a series of journaling prompts, playsheets, exercises, information, lessons, audio meditions, and recipes to guide you towards a peaceful pregnancy and empowered birth. The fourth section PLAY contains two prenatal yoga classes, printable coloring sheets, and helpful information posters that you can download for your personal use . The yoga classes can be practiced at any point during your pregnancy (but please consult with your OB or care provider before beginning any new exercise routine.)
How you move through this course will depend on YOU. All of the sections have content and activities that are relevant to any stage of pregnancy. You'll probably want to begin with the first section and work your way through all of the activities to get a feel for the course--but you can also jump around as you like. How long it takes will depend on how much time you dedicate to the course and how deeply you choose to engage with the content.  You may choose to set aside a couple of hours each week to work on the materials or you may simply want to come by and play whenever you feel like it!
Here's What You Can Expect:
These "lessons" are full of wisdom, insight, and information, designed to help you grow and expand your understanding of the emotional/education/spiritual aspects of pregnancy and birth. Many of these lessons also feature an invitation to dive deeper (thought provoking questions) and a creative project to help you engage with the content.


 These practices are an invitation for self reflection and deep exploration. Each journal features a series of questions and prompts, designed to help you dive deeply into your heart and mind. You may want to get a special journal or notebook to record the thoughts and emotions that come up during your work in this course.


The rituals included in this course are designed to help you tap in to your spiritual self. Whatever your religious/spiritual background, you will find welcoming, heart opening activities here to pull you deeper into the journey of pregnancy.
There are a handful of recipes for natural body care products and healthy, nourishing snacks scattered throughout this course. All of them are simple, easy to make, and feature links where you can find any necessary ingredients.



This section features art projects to help you get your creative juices flowing and engage with the content in a hands-on way. Don't worry if you don't consider yourself an artist (you're already creating the most incredible masterpiece-- new life!!), these projects are suitable for all skill levels.


These activities are fun, meaningful ways to celebrate your journey to motherhood.
About the creator of this course

I'm Catie Atkinson- the fire behind Spirit&Sol on Etsy. Most of my art is inspired by birth, motherhood, and the divine feminine--I consider myself an enthusiastic birth junkie! 😉 I am also a mama bear to two wonderful little boys, For me, giving birth to my sons was a transformative experience and inspired me to begin creating artwork that spoke to the journey of pregnancy, birth, and motherhood. Through my work as an artist I began connecting with women who were seeking a meaningful way to embrace their pregnancies and prepare for birth—which led me to create this course!

While my personal beliefs around birth inspired and shaped the content of this course, they are beliefs that are constantly evolving and changing as I grow as mother, artist, and birth enthusiast. I hope that I've left room for YOUR personal beliefs, experiences, and thoughts on birth.